Welcome to my blog

Well here it is-my first blog. I have set this blog up for a few reasons. Firstly I feel that I should start communicating with people besides using e-mail. Secondly and most importantly I have set up this blog to aid me in my research. I am currently studying for a PhD where i am conducting research into British Anarcho-Punk and Cultural/Popular memory. This blog will take on many forms as a research diary and also a place for people to hopefully contribute ideas, comments, suggestions and other ephemera that will add to and aid in my research.


As well as my PhD i am involved in other research projects. I am awaiting the confirmation of a bid, that myself and some coleagues from Birmingham City University, for a pan-European project in using radio as a tool to explore issues around Domestic Violence (DV).




The project involves working with survivors of DV in creating a set of radio spots to be broadcast on community radio stations and from this we will design and  create a DV radio production toolkit for community radio workers and organistaions involved in working with survivors of DV.